Special Events

D-Day 80th Anniversary

On the 6th June,  we marked 80 years since D-Day. Our school day has been filled with many themed activities linked to D-Day including, learning new facts, making aeroplanes and making flags. We watched some of the D-Day coverage on TV including the King’s speech and the drone light show and we also had a special lunch.
Our children have shown so much respect and empathy whilst remembering the events of 80 years ago. We are extremely proud of them.

The Royal Navy

Yesterday, our Year 1 and 2 children had a special visitor from the Royal Navy. The children were able to ask him questions about what life is like in the Royal Navy. Our Year 1 children are also learning about what life was like in the Navy in the past.

Cooking with ASDA

On Friday, the ‘Asda Champions’ came in to school to work with Year 2. Year 2 learned how to make banana pancakes by mashing bananas and then adding eggs. They really enjoyed tasting them and said that they tasted delicious. We would like to thank Heidi and Rachel (the Asda Champions) for giving our children this opportunity.

Hall of Fame

Yesterday, Miss Clements held our first ‘Hall of Fame’ assembly. A group of children were given the opportunity to share their sporting achievements from home. We listened to the children talk about clubs that they currently attend and some of them also shared medals. trophies and certificates.

We are extremely proud of them all.

Our next assembly will be held on Weds 22nd May at 10.30.

Website events Sping 2024 (2)Handwriting Morning – October 2023

Art Morning – October 2023